Post Consumer: Extending the Life of Waste Garments

Post Consumer: Extending the Life of Waste Garments

How can we extend the life cycle of obsolete New Zealand Post uniform garments through deconstruction and reconstruction textile processes to create a sustainable textile model?

Open Design

Open Design

Open Design (circles within circles) is a sustainable fashion/textiles decision making service and experience.

Space Between China Tour

Space Between China Tour

In 2015 a group of 12 designers and fine artists from different disciplines at Massey University traveled to China as part of Space Between's China Tour.

Space Between Overview Film

Space Between Overview Film

The overview film is an important tool to communicate the concept of Space Between a new social enterprise for fashion. The film uses motion graphics (after effects, and cinema 4d) is an inspiring and thought provoking method of explaining this complex, innovative initiative effectively and efficiently.

The Wardrobe Hack

The Wardrobe Hack

The Wardrobe Hack (2014) explores the emerging field of enriching the fashion user experience utilising digital platforms for disseminating and extending this engagement.

Fashion Revolution/Space Between pre-launch

Fashion Revolution/Space Between pre-launch

This event at Midland Park in Wellington's CBD was a pre- launch for Space Between and was an event to raise awareness of Fashion Revolution Day, commemorating the second anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh.

The Fundamentals range Film

The Fundamentals range Film

Designed by Space Between ‘employees’ and made locally by Earthlink a not for profit, this project produced garments with waste from industry.



MakeUse sought to build a community of early adopters around new wave of garment/product design strategies which empower users to make, use, re-make and re-use.

The Fundamentals range: logo, stamp, and labelling system for Space Between garments

The Fundamentals range: logo, stamp, and labelling system for Space Between garments

The logo covering and care and size labelling for the Fundamentals collection was developed as part of a postgraduate research scholarship undertaken by Larissa Banks.

3 Upcycling Techniques

3 Upcycling Techniques

Post Modern Collection

Post Modern Collection