The Fundamentals range Film
The Fundamentals range was created as a way of designing out textile waste and design in 'closed loop' solutions. It was a bridging mechanism for students’ pre and post graduation to address issues of waste in industry while developing their entrepreneurial capability. It operated in the 3rd space where students / staff / industry (NZ Post, Booker Spalding and EarthLink) worked collaboratively together to provide solutions. It provided a “safe” space for testing and developing ideas with a direct link to the market as they explore new platforms for fashion; bridging the physical and digital realms of creating, producing, thinking and distributing clothes. The innovation demonstrates solutions for the industry's waste stream (post -consumer corporate uniforms) in the form of a capsule limited edition collection designed by Massey fashion researchers and made by EarthLink, a not for profit who opens the door to employment for many people with health and social barriers.